Qualities of a Good Great Leader
Great leaders are often born with leadership skills. And, exhibit them early at home, on the playground, and later in the workplace. Budding leaders build on their nascent skills becoming more self-reliant, self-confident and valuable to a company.
A Great Leader:
—Inspires excitement and enthusiasm for new, bold visions. And, knows how to find excitement in almost every project. (Even projects that are, well, less than exciting). Then, ignites a passion, turning a vision into reality.
—Commits to the success of every project. And, signs on for the long term, never looking for a way to pass the buck because they personally don’t like the assignment. Then, puts their personal feelings behind to focus on the task they have been given. And, communicates a sense of being part of something bigger.
—Respects and values each member of the team, seeking their insights. And, invites every person to participate with fresh ideas to advance corporate goals. They never chastise for ideas they don’t like. Instead, find something valid in every contribution of the team. Go team!
—Builds relationships with customers, suppliers and stakeholders. And, finds commonalities involving their children, sports preferences, after-hours activities, musical tastes.
—Encourages relationships within the team. For when team members are socially involved, they make the much-needed connections. According to the Gallup Organization, people who have a good friend in the workplace are more likely to be happy and contribute more fully.
—Communicates well, imparts information and also employs active listening. They give undivided attention to the person speaking and what’s being said. If not certain, a leader asks, “Are you saying, thus and such?”
—Keeps in touch and even with no group meeting scheduled, takes a few minutes every day for a private, face-to-face with each team member to check on progress and field any problems. Great leaders are present and available to clarify and drive the narrative.
—A great leader communicates excitement in the workplace and encourages satisfying relationships to accomplish the vision.