Everyone can’t be as lucky as I am, not suffering from a cold in over 15 years, but you too can be “lucky” by better understanding how stop or limit a pesky cold.
The onset of a cold brings predictable but unpleasant symptoms like a raw throat, runny nose, cough, and low energy. Along with a diminished immune system.
■ Stem the Stress.
Feelings of overwork, tiredness, sadness, and irritation could slow your immune system and send a cold into high gear. To fight a cold, you need an immune boost to protect your body from foreign substances and pathogenic organisms.
■ Sleep It Off.
Lack of sleep drives up the level of cortisol, a hormone that crashes your immune system. The result, a perfect breeding ground for a cold.
The more fluids you drink—besides alcohol—the more your nose will unclog from thick, gross mucus. Fluids also flush toxins out your body and replace liquids lost through coughs and sneezes.
■ Kick the Habit.
Give your immune system a break, and break the smoking and alcohol habits.
■ Chill Out.
Recharge your immune system. Along with more rest, kick back to your favorite music artists—I love great operatic arias—meditate, read that book you’ve put off reading for two years, take a long walk in the sun. And smile more, even for no reason.
Fight a cold and build your defenses with a positive attitude and feelings of well-being. To paraphrase the Louis Armstrong lyrics, “Take a brisk walk on the sunny side of the street.”
I’m going for 20 years without a cold. So join me, let’s all be cold-free this season and do everything we can to prevent the common cold. Now that could be contagious!